A Double shot of Five in Five with Cyn Balog and Mandy Hubbard



Hey WRNers, this week we have CynBalog  AND Mandy Hubbard, real-life friends who collaborated on the e-book Getting Caught, a novel about two ex-bestfriends caught in an snowballing prank war.  As the tricks escalate, both girls must avoid detection.  Neither one wants to get caught.

Because the story is told from two points of view, it should be a lot of fun to see how both authors answer the burning questions we all have during this edition of Five in Five.

Okay, so numero uno is…

Whatcha’ Reading Now?

Cyn:  All the Things I’ve Done, by Gabrielle Zevin. I am kind of on a dystopian kick because I just finished writing one.

Mandy: The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross

Okay, thanks!  I love new ideas for my tbr pile.  Now, ah, we thought long and hard about what to ask.  What we think everyone should know is:

Flip flops or heels?

Mandy: Flip Flops. I’m 5’10 so I like prefer flats. Sometimes I buy the cutest heels in the world and then I wear them like twenty minutes and remember why I never wear heels.

Cyn:   Heels. I don’t like showing off my toes,  because I think toes are weird. If you had said Bunny Slippers or Heels, I would have gone for the bunny slippers, though, since I really am all about vegging out.

Your biggest celebrity crush?

Cyn:  Timothy Olyphant.

Mandy: Josh Duhamel. Soooooooo hot.

What magical ability or power would you like to have?

Mandy: To never be tired. I can’t stop yawning this morning. I wish I could magically replenish my energy or something.

Cyn:  The power to go into other people’s dreams. Just because it would be fun to mess with people.

And now, we need for you to tell us one more random thing about yourself.

Cyn:  I don’t like toes. Wait, did I say that already? Okay, hmmm….  Other things I don’t like: football, cockroaches the size of my hand, metrosexuals, vodka, chocolate-mint anything, and people who say “close proximity.”

Mandy:  You can tell we’re really good at directions, because Cyn totally said more than one thing. Random facts about me: My first kiss occurred when I was on a horse. I broke my foot on a school playground during recess. I got married in the church where my parents were married. I started writing at 20 but it wasn’t until 23 that I wanted to BE a writer. I have a thing about walking on lines/stripes or curbs. I once served as the County Dairy Princess. My four year old daughter sometimes wears the crown to school. I really like boy bands.

Hurray for some incredibly serious randomness!  Awesome!

So, WRNers you should definitely check out GETTING CAUGHT.  It has a promo price of 99 cents—yeah, I know under a dollar!—for the month of October.  That’s eleven more days.

And if you’d like to know more about these authors:

Mandy Hubbard is the author of RIPPLE and BUT I LOVE HIM (written under the psuedonym Amanda Grace). She is also a literary agent for D4EO Literary, where she represents authors of middle grade and teen fiction. She is currently living happily ever after with her husband and young daughter in Tacoma, Washington.  You can find out more about Mandy and her other books at www.mandyhubbard.com

Cyn Balog is the author of the newly young adult paranormal novel STARSTRUCK, in addition to her earlier books FAIRY TALE and SLEEPLESS. She lives outside Allentown, Pennsylvania with her husband and daughters. Visit her online at www.cynbalog.com

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1 Response to A Double shot of Five in Five with Cyn Balog and Mandy Hubbard

  1. Ohhhh, how fun! I just purchased GETTING CAUGHT for my Nook. It sounds awesome. And both Mandy and Cyn are too funny. Love these answers. Go girls! Thanks for joining us.
    WRN? girl

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